
目前顯示的是 9月, 2019的文章

Adobe reader DC open file very slow 解決開PDF超慢問題。

Adobe reader DC open file very slow 解決開PDF超慢問題。 (轉載自: https://answers.acrobatusers.com/adobe-reader-DC-slow-q283887.aspx ) Try the following (one change at a time, so what we know what actually caused the problem when it goes away): 1.) Open Reader's preferences and go to the "General" category. Uncheck the two "Show online storage..." options. This will not connect to Adobe's "Document Cloud" when you try to open a document. 2.) Open Reader's preferences and go to the "Documents" category. Set the number of files in the recently used list to 1 (this will remove all your files that you have recently used from that list). If this fixes your problem, then there may be something wrong with one of the files that you've recently used (e.g. a network drive no longer being available). 3.) Open Reader's preferences and go to the "Security (Enhanced)" category and set "Protected View" to "Off" ...
Excel從右向左查找 (轉載自 http://www.gocalf.com/blog/excel-find-from-right.html ) 要在Excel裡面實現從右向左查找。比如給定字符串“abc,defg,hi,jkl”,需要找到最右一個逗號的位置(即12),或者最右一個逗號右邊的部分(即“jkl”)。 Excel裡面字符串查找用的FIND函數,只能從左向右(可以指定起始位置)地進行字符串查找。如果想要找到最右邊的待查字符串,就要稍微費點兒勁兒了。 如果分隔符的個數是已知且確定的(比如IP地址中的小數點),可以通過多個FIND函數嵌套來實現。但這個其實是從左到右查找第n個。如果分隔符的個數不確定,這個方法就不太合適的。 處理方法是這樣的,假設單元格A1存放著包含分隔符的完整字符串(如上面提到的“abc,defg,hi,jkl”),那麼查找最右一個逗號的公式為: =FIND(CHAR(1),SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",CHAR(1),LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,",","")))) 這個公式的結果顯然是12。 看起來很複雜,其實一步步拆解開並不是太難,基本的原理是這樣的: SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",""):把原字符串中的逗號全部刪除(替換成空字符串),得到臨時字符串text1; LEN(A1)-LEN(text1):用原字符串的長度減去text1的長度,即可知道原字符串中總共有多少個逗號,num2; SUBSTITUTE(A1,",",CHAR(1),num2):利用SUBSTITUE函數,把原字符串中的最後一個逗號替換成特殊字符CHAR(1),得到臨時字符串text3; FIND(CHAR(1),text3):在text3中查找特殊字符CHAR(1),其位置就是原字符串中最後一個逗號的位置pos。 真是一個奇妙的方法。 找到位置後,要取出左邊或者右邊的內容就很簡單了,公式分別是(用pos代替那個複雜的FIND函數):=LEFT(A1,pos-1),=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)- pos)。