
目前顯示的是 8月, 2018的文章

Windows cannot get IP address with DHCP and DHCP Client service cannot start up with "Error 5: Access is Denied" message

Windows cannot get IP address with DHCP and DHCP Client service cannot start up with "Error 5: Access is Denied" message 1.) RUN--> regedit 2.) Edit windows registry: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Dhcp" and "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\TcpIp" Right click it and select Permissions. Select the 'NETWORK SERVICE' and add the  Full control   Select the 'DHCP' and add the  Full control   If not find the DHCP and  NETWORK SERVICE in user list just add it to the list and change to Full control permissions. 3.) RUN command Run cmd and enter following command NET  LOCALGROUP   administrators  "NT Authority\Local Service"   /add netsh winsock reset catalog 4.) Reboot PC Done~ Reference: https://www.wintips.org/how-to-fix-dhcp-service-cannot-start-access-is-denied/

Teamviewer can't connect always prompt "no connection to teamviewer server" message

In Teamviewer go to clear selection with :  Others -> Option -> Advanced -> Advancenced Network Opts -> Use UDP (reccomended)(remove this option) 

HP DeskJet 3720 Printer 不能直接連線WiFi 打印和 WiFi Direct default password

HP DeskJet 3720 printer 不能直接連線WiFi 打印和 HP WiFi Direct 的預設密碼 password Solved 解決: HP WiFi Direct default password : 12345678 廢話: 朋友打來訴說當用手機經 wifi 直接連線(WiFi Direct)他的HP DeskJet 3700 printer去打印時, 問他要密碼, 但他没有設定密碼, 當然地說明書一早就被他丟掉了, 他都從未看過說明書內容 😔(白眼),  幫佢上去HP官網找了一遍,下載了使用手冊、指南都沒有提供相關內容, 有時最簡單最重要的偏偏就是没有, 最後經Google大神爬了一輪各大看板先找到 HP WiFi Direct default password : 12345678. 注意: HP DeskJet 3720 printer 用WiFi 連接打印有兩種方法: 1.  連接你現有Wifi 網路, 可以用HP手機app(如果PC可下載 HP PC 軟件 ) 連接你的打印機跟住輸入你WiFi 網路名稱(SSID)和密碼將它接入你現有Wifi 網路內。 2. 使用WiFi Direct 在手機內的WiFi直接連線去你的打印機, 不經其他WiFi 網路不用任何設定。當啓用printer 上的WiFi Direct (就是按下圖內2的功能鍵等燈號亮起), 然後在手機內WiFi (SSID List) 內直接選擇Printer 的名字,連上後輸入預設密碼12345678, 連上後就可以打印。 建議: 如果只想用WiFi Direct,  可以先關掉 Pinter上WiFi 功能鍵(圖內1的功能鍵), 只開啓WiFi Direct 功能鍵(圖內2的功能鍵), 這樣可以快速接上, 如果同時1和2功能鍵都開啓而你又没有設定好WiFi 設定, 那可要等上好半天才能連上WiFi Direct 。 Other link: 用PC 設定WiFi連接: https://support.hp.com/us-en/product/hp-deskjet-ink-advantage-3700-all-in-one-printer-series/894...

Windows hangs with Blue screen error with "atikmdag.sys" message

Windows hangs with Blue screen error with "atikmdag.sys" message First go to Windows safe mode (press F8 key when restart windows and select Windows safe mode) 1.) Run "services.msc" , change "Themes" service start type to "Stop". or Run "msconfig" command and disable "Themes" service Restart Windows. 2.) After restart it should be back to normal, and go to download and run "Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)". https://www.wagnardsoft.com/ Download direct link (Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) V17.0.9.1 ): https://www.wagnardsoft.com/DDU/download/DDU%20v17.0.9.1.exe p.s. If after stop "Themes" service restart Windows it still hangs you can download the "Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)" on other computer, and save it to USB flash drive and run it on your Windows in "safe mode". 3.) Run "Display Driver Uninstaller" and select  " Clean and restart". after re...